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Image Title Sell price Weight 存貨狀況 Buy it
Kingsport Festival HK$310.00 3.25 lb 預訂(Pre-order)
Citadels HK$160.00 0.625 lb 缺貨(Not able to order)
El Gaucho HK$220.00 2.63 lb 預訂(Pre-order)
Hoyuk HK$280.00 5.2 lb 現貨(In Stock)
Craftsmen HK$300.00 2.1 lb 預訂(Pre-order)
Fresh Fish (German Edition) HK$320.00 2.8 lb 缺貨(Not able to order)
Ligretto Blue HK$90.00 0.7 lb 現貨(In Stock)
Catan: Collector's Edition Ancient Egypt HK$520.00 0 kg 缺貨(Not able to order)
Steam Donkey HK$140.00 0 kg 現貨(In Stock)
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Vengeance HK$220.00 0 kg 現貨(In Stock)
