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2019-02-21 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. Wavelength KS - 其中一位作者為 The Mind, That's Pretty Clever, The Quacks of Quedlinburg 的 Wolfgang Warsch,看過 Gameplay 後,似乎很吸引,可預訂。
One of its designer is Wolfgang Warsch, the same designer of The Mind, That's Pretty Smart, The Quacks of Quedlinburg. After studied its gameplay, found it is so attractive. Can preorder it now.

2. Wingspan - 全球都不夠貨,會於四月初重印。
All suppliers in the world don't have enough stocks to fulfill all orders, it will reprint in April.

3. The Castles of Burgundy (2019) $460 - 內附11個 mini expansions 和 promos,8月推出,接受預訂。
It will release in Aug, includes 11 mini expansions and promos.

4. Splendor German Edition - 新封面版本已在德國出街。
Its new release with a new artwork on its box has been released in Germany.

5. Waste Knights - 只會有 Retail 版。
They don't have retailer offer, so will have its retail version only.

6. Yinzi $760 - 第一印只有1000盒。又是 Spielworxx 一貫的玩法,現接受預訂。
Its first print will have 1000 copies only. It is Spielworxx again. Can preorder it now.

7. Asmodee shipment - 希望下星期到,未知裏面有乜鬼。
May arrive next week, still not know its contents.