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10 Must Have games


一天,神决定消滅世上所有的 Board Games,只許你保留10隻你最喜歡的,在你往後的日子裏就只可玩到此10隻BG,並沒有Expansion, 你可能會玩上數百次、甚至數千次。你會選擇哪10隻呢?讓我們看看 Rahdo 的 10 Must Have Games:

One day, god decided to destroy all board games and only will leave 10 games in the world. He asked you which 10 you want to keep. It means you will only be allowed to play these 10 games in the remaining of your life. Remember, you will have the base games only, no chance to get any expansion and you will play them hundreds or thousands times. What will be your choices? Let's check about Rahdo's 10 Must Have Games:







Top 10 Must Haz Gamez:
10. Claustrophobia
09. Jaipur
08. CV
07. Paperback
06. Forbidden Desert
05. Glory to Rome
04. Trajan
03. Shadowrun Crossfire
02. Castles of Burgundy
01. Troyes