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Eleminis 小小元素


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Year Published: 2010
No. of Players: 2 to 8
Ages: 6 and up
Playing Time: 15 minutes

一隻簡單、快速、互動性高的小Card Game。利用5個不同的元素(空氣、木、水、火、石)來互相消除對方,再加上百搭星星卡、麻煩的垃圾卡和6種其他功能卡來令自己集成5種元素或阻止別人成功,很多時會給我們帶來大笑。本來以為只有小朋友才喜歡玩的一隻Game,原來大人們也能樂在其中,是一隻很好的家庭小禮物。

The designers of Eleminis, the first release from U.S. publisher Smileypop, want us to believe that all the components of the world consist of five elements: earth, air, fire, water and plant. That "plant" one is new to me, and probably you, but let's give it to the designers and get on to figuring out how to play the game.

Your goal in Eleminis is to collect one of each of these five elements in your row on the table. Players each have five slots available to them, and each slot can hold one card. On a turn, you draw a card from the deck then either play it in a row (if it's a element card) or use it (if it's an action).

Each element outranks two other elements, similar to rock/paper/scissors/Spock/lizard. You can play an element card you draw in any empty space or replace a weaker element with the new one; you can play in your row or an opponent's. A star element is wild and can represent any element you need; a trash card can replace any element and can be displaced only by a star or an action card.

The actions let you discard cards in play, move cards, swap them, lose your turn, or reverse the order of play. Play continues until someone collects one element of each type in his row. A scoring system is included for those who want to play multiple games.



Board Game Base comments:

It is a light filler game. Simple gameplay, easy to learn, quick to play, always gives fun to us. I thought only kids will like to play but turned out all kids and adults like it, played and played again in a night. 2-player game is totally not working. More than 3 will be great. Not sure what will happen if we have 8 players, must try it later and update to here. A good gift for kids.

List price: HK$120.00
Price: HK$110.00
Dimensions: 13.5 cm × 10 cm × 3 cm
Weight: 0.225 kg