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2020-02-18 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. New added pre-orders: 新增 Pre-order
Kanban EV (Kickstarter)
Here to Slay Kickstarter Edition (Kickstarter)
2. Next US Quick Order - 2020-02-20
Will order the following items, you can join:
Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches
CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
Legendary Encounters DBG: Dark Phoenix vs The X-Men Playmat
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
Bruxelles 1897
Fast Sloths
One Week Ultimate Werewolf
Tiny Towns: Fortune
3. Chalk Reviews disappeared - 他的網站、Youtube channel、video 等均消失了,他自己有詳細的解釋:
I just found his website, Youtube channel and  his videos all disappeared. He has explained at there:
4. Onward to Venus - 供應商特價,$200
Our supplier has discount on this item and its price dropped to $200