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2019-08-24 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. New added Kickstarter pre-orders: 新增 KS
Smartphone Inc.
Merchants Cove

2. KS preorder deadline:
2019-08-25 Smatphone Inc
2019-08-30 Import/Export, Etherfields

3. Next US Quick Order - 2019-08-26
Will order the following items, you can join:

The Artemis Project
Crusader Kings
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Raiders of the North Sea
The Fox in the Forest
Walking In Burano
Legendary: Marvel: Revelations

4. The Artemis Project $460, Puerto Rico Deluxe Edition $380, Ragusa $440, Crusader Kings $680 - 供應商已有貨,接受預訂。
Our supplier has stock now. You can preorder it in our site.

5. Black Angel $620 - 美國出街日期為 2019-08-30,接受預訂。
The release date in US will be 2019-08-30, can preorder now.