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2019-03-08 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. Cleopatra and Society of Architects Deluxe Edition - 四月一日上 Kickstarter,希望他們有 Retailer 優惠。
It will be in KS on April 1st, hope they will have retailer discount.

2. Pre-Order: Nemesis (Kickstarter)(Round 2) - 可再訂購但運費貴了,所以此 Pre-order 附有 Special promotion games.
We will have order on Nemesis KS again. Prices have been increased a little but we have special promotion on this preorder.

3. The Great City of Rome on Yucata - 剛已被移植到 上
This good game has just been ported to

4. Brides & Bribes $460 - 四月出街,可訂。
It will release in April, can pre-order it now.

5. Tainted Grail KS preorder - 一隻五千萬港元,41000 個 backers 的 Kickstarter。Awaken Realms 繼 Lords of Hellas 和 Nemesis 之後又一巨作,本店快會推出 Pre-order。
It is a Kickstarter with HK$50 millions funded and 41000 backers. Another hot game from Awaken Realms after their famous Lords of Hellas and Nemesis. We will post its preorder soon.

6. Teotihuacan $400 - 將會大約兩星期到港。
It may arrive at HK in 2 weeks

7. Wingspan $400 - 實在太受歡迎了,未訂的請即下單,否則四月都未必有貨。
The sales on this game is crazy, please pre-order it at once, otherwise not sure you will get it in April.

8. Vindication KS: Promo Pair - Board Game Spotlight and Promo Pair - Dice Tower -
Will add these 2 promo tiles to our online store soon.

9. Euphoria: Ignorance Is Bliss $180 - 將於五月出街,可預訂。
It will release in May, 2019, can pre-order it now.

10. Fuji $290 - 果然是一隻人氣勁 Game,第一水已全部售罄,第二水只得4盒,第三水可能要五月了。
It is really a hot and good game. It first shipment have been all sold out. The 2nd shipment will have 4 copies only. The 3rd shipment may be in May.