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2018-08-26 最新 BG 情報 BG News


1. Decrypto $180 - 供應商終於有貨了,希望兩星期到港。據講全球已售出接近十萬套了,BGG Party Game 第七位。已與 Gamers 一試,感覺更勝 Codenames,必入之作。
Finally our supplier has stocks now, hope it will arrive next week. According to the publisher, they have sold almost 100K copies already in the world. Just tried once with gamers, must own.

2. Terraforming Prelude - 已在美國推出, 運港中。
It has been released in US and shipping to HK now

3. Terrain Crate - 它的 KS Creator 很久沒有回覆而其他供應商已開始到貨,所以决定放棄此 KS,改為向供應商訂現貨,將會把他們的最新價錢加到本網站上。
Its KS creator has no reply or email to me for a very long time while I saw my suppliers have the below retail items now. Will add them to my site soon. Will give up its KS and order from my suppliers:

Retail Battlefield Crate
Retail Dungeon Crate
Retail Town Crate
Terrain Crate: Dark Lord's Tower Crate
Terrain Crate: Dark Lord's Tower Crate
Terrain Crate: Dragon's Hoard
Terrain Crate: Dungeon Depths
Terrain Crate: Dungeon Depths
Terrain Crate: Dungeon Doors
Terrain Crate: Dungeon Essentials
Terrain Crate: Dungeon Traps
Terrain Crate: King's Coffers
Terrain Crate: Library
Terrain Crate: Treasury
Terrain Crate: Wizards Study
TerrainCrate: Torture Chamber

4. Terraforming Mars - 所有供應商均已貨罄,希望他們會盡快補貨。
All suppliers have no stock now. Hope they will restock soon.

5. Power Ranger KS - 他們不能售至 HK,唯有說聲再見。
They cannot sell it to HK, so say bye bye to them.

6. Warsaw, Detective - 已在美國出街,下星期寄出。
They are already out in US, will ship out from next week.

7. Next US Quick Order: 2018-08-27