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2018-04-27 最新 BG 情報 BG


1. Solarius Mission -  Spielworxx 名作之一, Michael Keller 和Andreas Odendahl 是其作者,他們的其他作品有 La Granja 和 Agra, 終於可以預訂了。三至四星期到港。
One of Spielworxx's famous games. Michael Keller and Andreas Odendahl are its designers whose other products are La Granja and Agra. Finally we can order it now. Will arrive in HK 3 to 4 weeks, please order it now.

2. The Sands of Time - Spielworxx 公司新作,未有詳細資料
A new game by Spielworxx, don't have its detail.

3. Imaginarium - Bruno Cathala 又一新作,已看了它的 video,漂亮的 Artwork 與配件,有趣的機制,相信會是 Gamer 必試之作。
This is another new title from Bruno Cathala. After watched its video, you will find it has pretty artwork and components, interesting mechanism. I think most gamers would like to take a try.

4. Yucata: Macao - Stefan Feld 舊作已登上
This old game by Stefan Feld has just been ported to

5. Space Base - 運港中,可能下星期到。
It is shipping to HK now. May arrive next week.