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2017-10-25 最新情報 BG News


1. Terraforming Mars - 真是一隻超受歡迎的策略 BG,剛在供應商處下單完畢,數小時後他們已全部售清,不知何時才再有貨了。兩星期後到港。
It is really a hot strategy game. Few hours after I placed an order to my supplier, they sold it out in all of their warehouses. Not know when they have stock again. This order will arrive at HK in 2 weeks.
2. Custom Heroes - 原來此 Game 很受歡迎,設計源自 Mystic Vale,要留意了。
Just noticed a lot of people like to buy this game. Its plastic sleeve design came from Mystic Vale. Should check on it.
3. Rhino Hero - Super Battle - 看完 Video 後很想立即一試的 Party Game。加入了更多元素、更巨形、更多配件,相信可賣出上一代了。兩星期內到港,請快預訂。
After watched its video, want to try this party game at once. A lot of gameplays added, it becomes huge in size, got more components. I think I can sell Rhino Hero and replace it by this new version. It will arrive in 2 weeks, please order it before sold out.
4. Sagrada 3rd print - 很大機會本星期到。
Most likely it will arrive in this week.
5. Ethnos - 此人氣 BG 斷了多時,終於 Reprint 了,兩星期到港。
This famous BG has been out of print for months. Finally my supplier got its reprint now. It will arrive at HK in 2 weeks.
6. Meeple War - 已出街,可預訂。
Released, can order it now.
7. Favor of the Pharaoh - 供應商減價,由 $410 減至 $330
Suppler has reduced its price. Now it has dropped from $410 to $330
8. Colony - 供應商減價,由 $400 減至 $330,可預訂。
Suppler has reduced its price. Now it has dropped from $400 to $330
9. London: Second Edition - 已出街,兩星期到港。
Just released, will arrive at HK in 2 weeks.
10. Flamme Rouge - 又 restock 了,兩星期到港。
Restock again, will arrive at HK in 2 weeks.
11. Dream Home: 156 Sunny Street - 已出街,兩星期到港。
Just released, will arrive at HK in 2 weeks.

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