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2017-04-19 最新情報


1. Hero Realms Card Box (Plus 1 Promo Card and 240 Sleeves) $140 - 美國已有貨,可訂。
It is in stock in US, can order it now.
2. Star Wars: Rebellion - 供應商有貨了,可預訂, 兩星期到貨。
My supplier has stock now, can order it. May arrive in 2 weeks.
3. Keyflower expansions - 兩大 Expansions 似乎 out of print,要等重印。
Both of its expansions are out of stock, seems to be out of print. Need to wait for reprint.
4. Brass Kickstarter - 將會有代訂,等待報價。
We will have pre-order for it, waiting for quoting its price.
5. Great Western Trail - 供應商已全部售清,未知何時 Restock,尚餘少量存貨。
My supplier has sold out all its stock. Not know its restock date.
6. 所有 FFG, Asmodee, Days of Wonder, Z-Man 產品,本公司會繼續全力為大家訂購,價錢當然會較之前的高,利潤亦較之前少,但香港既然是一個國際大都市,當然要提供市場最新發行的 BG。
We will keep ordering those BG of FFG, Asmodee, Days of Wonder and Z-man for you. Obviously their prices will go higher and our profit will go lower. As Hong Kong is an international city, we should provide the most recent BG to our customers.
7. 根據 BGG 最新消息,以下 Z-Man 英文版 BG 的 Reprint 日期:
According to BGG's news, the below Z-Man items's reprint dates are:
The Voyagaes of Marco Polo - 2017 Oct
Russian Railroads - Unknown
Stone Age - 2017 Q3
8. Games Workshop - Shadow War: Armageddon MSRP $1050
It has been added to our website but our supplier does not have stock now.
9. New Android expansion pack: Station One, Terminal Directive - 供應商已有貨,可訂購。
Our supplier has stock now, can order them.