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2017-04-11 最新情報 News


1. Great Western Trail $360 - 已大量到貨。
It is in stock now.
2. GloomHaven 2nd Print - 已可預訂
Can pre-order now:
Base game $880
17 Solo Scenarios and Item Cards
18 Miniatures (Included in Main Pledge)
18 Standees 
3. Kingdomino $160 - 已大量到貨。
It is in stock now.
4. Scythe - Base game, expansion, 及其他配件要四月才有貨。
Expected arrival date is April
5. 近期 Kickstarter Pre-orders - 
Our recent Kickstarter pre-orders:
The Grimm Forest
GKR Heavy Hitters - Pilot's Edition
Impulse English 2nd Edition
Cytosis: A Cell Biology Game
Village Attack
Stop Thief!
Rise to Nobility Deluxe
878 Vikings - Invasions of England
6.. The Others - 以下貨品供應商們已有貨,可代訂。
Our suppliers now have stock on the following items:
Gluttony Box
Wrath Box
Beta Team Box
Gamma Team Box
Delta Team Box
Sons Of Ragnarok
Corruption Pack
7. Food Chain Magnate - 已斷貨。
It is out of print now.