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2017-02-22 最新情報


1.. Gloomhaven - 據聞出商只印了2500盒但訂單卻有十倍之多,所以我的供應商連一盒也分不到給我。希望在第二印可以到手吧。
Heard that its publisher has printed 2500 copies while they got 25000 orders. So my supplier can deliver 0 copy to me. Hope we will get all our wanted copy in its 2nd print
2.. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures - 已出街,運港中
Released, shipping to HK
3.. Watson & Holmes - 供應商將會有貨,可預訂
My supplier will have it soon, can pre-order.
4.. A Feast For Odin - 供應商將會有貨,可預訂。但價錢則因為新來貨價和重量而増加了。
My supplier will have it soon, can pre-order. But its price will go up due to its unit price and shipping cost.
5.. Santorini - 所有供應商仍然全部沒貨。
All suppliers still don't have stock