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如何預訂貨物? How to pre-order an item?


1. 首先請到本網站成為用户,然後登入。

Register an account in our website.


2. 然後到 "預訂貨物" 頁

Go to our Pre-order page


3.  新客戶(需付訂金: HK$ 50): 把 "訂金 HK$50 (Deposit)" 加入你的購物車(Shopping Cart)內

     舊客戶(不需訂金): 把 "訂貨 HK$0 (舊客戶)" 加入你的購物車(Shopping Cart)內

輸入預訂件數(Qty)後按 "Checkout"。

New customer(Deposit HK$50): Select the item "訂金 HK$50 (Deposit)" to your shopping cart

Existing customer(No need deposit): Select the item "訂貨 HK$0 (舊客戶)(Existing customer)" to your shopping cart


4. 如用ATM 或銀行過數,請選 "Check or money order"。

If you will use ATM or Bank-in to pay the deposit, please select "Check or money order" in the payment method


5. 在最下方 "Order comments" 打入貨物名稱和價錢以便大家容易跟進。之後按 "Review Order" ,之後 "Submit order" 便可。

Please enter the name of product you want to pre-order to the "Order Comments" at the bottom of page. After that, you can click the "Review Order", then "Submit Order"


6. 新客戶在過了數後,請將存根拍照並Email 或 Whatsapp 給本人。

After you paid the deposit, please take a photo on the bank-in slip and send to me by email or whatsapp.


銀行户口 Bank account: 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank: 385-338157-001
支票抬頭請寫: Base 23 Technology