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BG恐怖襲擊第一波 --- Evolution: Flight Kickstarter 到貨 (Arrival)


據情佈組織通知,近期將會有3個階段的 BG 恐怖襲擊對 Board Game Base 的倉庫和客户發動,第一波 Flight KS 已於上星期被發現而全部被摧毀。

各位朋友如想訂購此 Kickstarter 版,可留意本網站,我們現正接洽該出版商,但機會不大。


According to our secret agent's information, there will have 3 waves of horrible BG attack to Board Game Base. The first wave is Flight KS that has happened last week. We have cleared this raid and if anyone wants to order this KS item, please check our site though the chance of getting it will be low.