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SDJ 2020 --- Pictures, The Crew


SDJ just announced the Awards of SDJ and SDJ Expert of 2020.
SDJ 剛剛宣布了今年的 SDJ 大獎和 SDJ 專家大獎

SDJ 2020 - Pictures $360
Players need to use one set of components to let other people to guess his secret photo. Sounds like a funny game.
一隻使用不同組別的配件來估出相片的 Party Game,相信是一隻攪笑之作。


SDJ Expert 2020 - The Crew $120
A cooperative Trick Taking Game for 2 to 5P. It contains 50 missions from easy to hard. Just like Hanabi, you cannot communicate with your partners by: talking, signals, face gestures, Whatsapp, etc. You also can just pick any mission to play a short game as its design will give you different card combination for each game.
二至五人的合作 Trick Taking Game,共有 50 個任務,一個比一個難,當然是如 Hanabi 一樣不准任何通水如: 講話、打手勢,比信號,Whatsapp 等等。亦可隨意選一個任務來短玩,因設計是每次都會有不同的牌組合的。